Welcome to Mountain Breeze Devotions

Mountain Breeze Devotions began in May of 2003. This ministry is an email ministry sending devotionals and meditations seven days a week by request.
It is the sister site of www.ChristianDevotions.US

This is the ministry of authors Cindy Sproles and Eddie Jones. Two friends brought together to serve the Father -- to spread the word to those who may not know and to promote the art and writers of Christian writing.

Welcome to Mountain Breeze Devotions --Cindy Sproles, author

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. – Ephesians 6:7

These days mentioning to someone they need to learn to be a servant can get a person into a hot water. We’ve become a society so wrapped in political correctness, that we lose sight of the things that are simple and have great meaning. I have two friends who are both high school teachers. Both are wonderful and godly men taking pride in the service of teaching our youth. Both set the example of working hard at the jobs they represent. The frustrations and work involved in being a high school teacher is at best, overwhelming at times. Yet, they willingly and joyfully step into the classroom daily, having the sound and kind heart of a servant. Ready to serve without question.

The great thing about these men is their willingness to teach me. When I add a third gentleman into the mix, one who has opted to mentor me in writing, I am overtaken by the blessings these servants of Christ have so willingly given me. Never once have they failed to offer me help, or support when I’ve been struggling along the way. They serve wholeheartedly and with great vigor because they not only love what they do, but they love serving God. They, with the knowledge they’ve been provided, willingly share. Though making a living is part of that mix, it’s not just their job – it’s a love.

Nothing frustrates me more than to stand inside the walls of the church and have members say, “I can’t do that because….” or “I don’t have any talents,” because nothing can be further from the truth. God created each one of us, individually and uniquely – within our make up He planted His gifts, our talents, and our joys. Not one person was forgotten when He took the time to form us.

Becoming a living servant means taking the joys God has blessed us with and freely sharing them, whether inside our workplace or out. It’s giving without expecting something in return. You see, these three men all have wonderful gifts and their willingness to share them exceeds that of a job title. It extends to people just like me who love their friendship, admire their talents, and understand they are available at a nod to serve God wholeheartedly. So as I walked onto the porch to say good morning to the Father, I asked Him, “Why am I so blessed, Lord, to have wonderful friends like these people?”

He leaned against me, crossed His arms, and blew His warm breath into the icy morning air. “Because they are willing.”

“Willing to teach?” I asked.

“No, willing to serve. Because they love me and they love you. I knew you’d need them and their uniqueness in your life, and equally you’d be needed in theirs.”

“So you planned these friendships?”

“No, those you developed on your own. But I used the opportunity. I do that you know, bring individuals together who are willing to carry my cause - -willing to serve. I have a plan you know.”

“So, I’ve heard.” I reply.

“When you become a servant you will be served.” I cocked my head to one side and smiled. God is such an awesome God.

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