But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. – 2 Peter 3:13
I woke up this morning, walked outside and I could smell the fog. It was amazing. The air hung heavy with a dampness that settled gently on my skin, making me chill slightly. There was a fine mist of water held in the cloud that surrounded me, waiting like a flood of held-back tears, to fall.
I took in a breath and there it was, a soft fragrance, clean, simple –unique . Surely what I was smelling wasn’t the fog but the freshness of the morning that lay beneath the blanket. I took in a second breath and there it was again. My jaws tingled, and my mouth watered as I tasted the scent. The fragrance was real. Lifting my nose into the air like a dog sifting the odors on the wind, I filled my lungs with the fog that encompassed the world. Closing my eyes I held my breath, refusing to exhale so my senses could grasp hold of the moment.
I was reminded o f the smell of the salty air just before you arrive at the beach, or the flavor of the air just before a spring rain or a winter snow. I wondered what God had in store for me as He lifted the haze onto a world that tends to shove Him to the side. I am forever amazed at the newness of each day provided by our loving Father. Even when He knows people shun Him, He still finds the mercy to tend to the details of loving us – loving this world.
Every morning He tints the air with something new. Perhaps an inspiring sunrise or colorful streaks across the horizon. Maybe it’s a new scent to the cleanness of the air we breath. One way or the other, He is a God of many chances, many do-overs, many “start-agains.”
As we prepare to enter into another “new” year, we can rest assured that God is tending over His world. There are times He probably shakes His head in frustration. Still that doesn’t stop Him from placing the refining details to the morning. Each day is new, each moment is different and I have to ask myself, how often do we take this newness for granted?
Today I walked up a knoll as the fog lifted and before my eyes was the bluest sky. The sun kissed the earth and all that remained of the fog were a few wispy clouds that had retreated into the heavens. This morning, I climbed the hill toward heaven and I could have sworn that I could touch the edge of eternity. One more deep breath and my lungs shouted with the pleasure of clean, crisp winter air. All of this, anew – renewed, for an ungrateful world.
At the stroke of midnight we will extend a hand to an aging year and allow the youth of a new year to rise to the surface. The mercy of the Lord has begun to rain upon us again. Blessed and offered forgiveness, we’re afforded a new opportunity to abide in Him and He in us. Once again, He keeps his promise of a new heaven and earth. Once again He is faithful.