Welcome to Mountain Breeze Devotions

Mountain Breeze Devotions began in May of 2003. This ministry is an email ministry sending devotionals and meditations seven days a week by request.
It is the sister site of www.ChristianDevotions.US

This is the ministry of authors Cindy Sproles and Eddie Jones. Two friends brought together to serve the Father -- to spread the word to those who may not know and to promote the art and writers of Christian writing.

Welcome to Mountain Breeze Devotions --Cindy Sproles, author

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I know that many of you are not heavy duty bloggers, which is fine. But upon occasion
someone will get brave and add a comment. The ultimate question becomes, "Now will you read the comments that are attached to the devotions?"

I received a comment on a devotion from this past week about God calling us and we fail to answer His call. A comment came in that I felt like deserved an open reply. The remark was, "Sometimes we don't answer because we are afraid of what God will ask us to do?"

I had to laugh out loud because this has been a running joke in my family for years. I openly admitted that I was well into my thirties before I finally came to realization that God would not ask me to do something I am not capable of.

My fear was, if I asked God to use me -- if I answered His call, He would send me to some third world country where I would not only be lost, and afraid, but completely unhappy and useless. One day, and I don't EVEN remember what I was doing, I flipped on the television. There was a Billy Graham Revival on so I stopped just a second to listen to what was being said. That's when God spoke to my heart.

Mr. Graham spoke about answering the call and he made the remarks that he backed scripturally, with "God knew us before we were formed." He gave us the abilities we possess. In fact, because He knew us before we were formed, He knew where our strengths lay and where our weaknesses would jump out. He knew His plan as well and He would not send us unprepared into a situation that would not complete His plan fully. In other words, God gave us our talents and our "heart" for certain things. More than likely, He'll only ask us to do something we are very capable of doing -- something we have the talent for. Some have the heart for foreign missions, others the heart for writing. Do you see my point? We aren't all Moses or Jonah. And well, what if we are? I'm still contending with that issue, but I can honestly say, that up to this point, God has pushed me to be better at what I do. He's pressed me to hone my skills, but He has yet to send me into the deep wilds of Africia (or something worse).

When I finally said, "Okay, God, Use me." He heightened my senses and strengthened my ability and desire to write. Hence, the devotional ministry. Which by the way, is a definite DAILY on-going commitment that I made with God. I answered His call. A call that was simply, "Cindy, will you serve?" God knew my fears about answering Him, but when I finally agreed to answer, He grew me into a skill I have a love and passion for. This is something I can effectively do as a servant. My heart crys, "Please help me be a published author." However, God says, "Wait. Work. Wait." Is it frustrating? Oh yeah. Will I be published. You bet! But it will be when God's timing is right. It will be when the words I have written will make a difference. Until then, I must learn to be content to simply serve. Make sense?

Don't be afraid to answer the call. We tend to make mountains out of mole hills when we don't know how simply God can use us. Don't be afraid. Just answer. Just say yes. And God will heighten your strengths into the place you can best serve effectively.

What is that ringing sound? Hey, ANSWER THE PHONE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God never places a calling on our life that we aren't capable of doing with His help. Often it is us who say, I just can't do that. If you are afraid, then do it afraid. Don't let life pass you by and never try.